Wow, This Would Definitely Set Any Kid Straight In A Matter Of Seconds. This Scared The Crap Out Of Me.
9 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this for the first time back in 1999 and I can't begin to tell you just how scared it made me. Several of the kids continued to break the law but others like Quadir and Raul finally got the message and felt that their lives were going nowhere fast. Raul brought his wife and children to visit him in prison when he slipped up and he told them that this where they don't want to be and you'll end up in here if you break the law. Even Karen, the girl who said that Scared Straight "still wouldn't stop her from breaking the law," stopped breaking the law. It's all thanks to those hardened prisoners that some of those kids took what they had to say to heart.
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