Review of May 33rd

May 33rd (2004 TV Movie)
From a multiple...
27 September 2005
I remember watching this just after I was diagnosed and it was a good starting point for discussions with my T. I only managed to watch it once so I don't know specifics but my overall impression was that WOW that was a pretty good impression of what dissociation is like. I know there were points that annoyed me as being clichéd but overall I think it was good. Although it wasn't the same as what I experience it was close enough. People focus so much on the switching aspect of DID but I seem to remember this explained the sensory changes as well. For example laying on the floor not moving for hours, fascinated by textures etc. There is a scene, I appear to remember at the end of her walking down a street and her body posture and look seem right. The costume department did well in getting her dressed (clothes not matching because different people have bought them). She was good at describing the dysfunction of a multiple life. However I don't seem to remember much about the positivity and benefits of DID though I believe there was some humour. I was annoyed at the time because I was then functional. Now two years later, I'm not! I believe there was some allusion in the film to the fact that earlier in her life she had functioned in an outside life fully but then life had gone off the rails. Could be triggering to abuse survivors but different people are different by different things and I found it manageable.
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