Please correct me if I am wrong
25 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie many years ago, I remember it specifically because I have never really seen Sigourney Weaver play an evil character like this before. However, I never really saw her character as completely evil and this is why. From what I can remember, in the beginning when Lillianne's mother dies and she is alone with her father, he introduces her to the Lady Claudia, who seems very nice and pleasant. Lilli, being a child, is not happy with her father remarrying and is not very pleasant to Lady Claudia, some thing very normal and after the marriage when the couple is trying to have a child of their own is performing some sort of "good luck ritual" that was common of that day and Lilli basically curses it, being too young to really understand what she is doing not really intending for any harm to come upon anyone. When the Queen loses her child, she becomes so consumed by her own grief and anguish that she becomes isolated into her room and does not realize that a evil spirit lives within the mirror and begins to speak to her and slowly takes possession of her. In the meantime, Lilli realizes what she has done and tries to befriend her step mother, but it is too late because the spirit in the mirror has turned her against Lilli, and eventually turns her into the famous "evil step mother" then everything begins to go downhill, at least for a while.

Now, someone correct me if I am wrong because as I say, it has been many years since I have seen it, but I do agree that it was more realistic than other versions I have seen.
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