This is a great movie!
21 September 2005
I have seen the most recent cut of this film and believe it is the best independent film I have ever watched. Director Patrick Desmond brought together a great story, a talented cast, and some very impressive special effects. Something tells me we have just seen the tip of his creative talent and I look forward to his next project.

I also have to comment about the new talent that was in front of the camera. I was very impressed with handsome Rich Conant in the lead role of Puritan, Beth Westgerdes gave an incredible performance as April, and Mark Cullison and Rebecca Gardner both shined in all of their scenes as Fetish and Jezebel. Each of these performers pulled the viewers into the story and kept them there until the end. I plan to follow their careers and know I will enjoy their future projects.

This is a film that has all the marks of a great movie. I know that Patrick Desmond and his crew will be entertaining us for a long time to come.
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