Only Opinions...
20 September 2005
Everything said is an opinion so it might help you decide or it may give you the wrong impressions. Be aware of this.

I read a few opinions on this website before watching Survive Style 5 and they were mostly misleading. I am not bitter but this is simply what I think. The film had it's moments which were mostly good comedy and some romance(or maybe that's just me being attracted to beautiful women), but overall the film was drawn out, the story was too difficult to comprehend, and I can endure long silences with no action or movement, but only when there is a purpose, and in this film I saw no purpose and lost interest through the film a few times.

There was a review here on IMDb that described the silent character's role as amazing, but I just did not feel his amazing performance. In comparison, I watched Musa The Warrior the following night where the leading role is a silent one and I was truly awe struck by his performance, which had just as little dialog and I know it's a completely different story and setting, but writing and acting and directing created the most mesmerizing silent performance I have ever witnessed, and it ranks highly among all other characters I have seen. Musa's character was an amazing performance and like someone on IMDb already mentioned about Korean films in relation to SS5, there are better quality films out there with better writing, acting, directing, and which come together to make quality films that have a lasting impression because they are so compelling. Musa was one of these films that is so absorbing that after two hours when the film had ended, it seemed like on an hour and a half.

So watch and enjoy what films you will, opinions are for the individual and should be cautiously observed. I hope you enjoy the film and many more Korean films to come.
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