Cane Toads' Holy Grail
17 September 2005
As the sticker on the front of the movie jacket states, this depiction of the environmental and social issues created by the onslaught of cane toads in Australia has a definite Monty Python spin. Although I am concerned about the damage to the Australia natural resources caused by the opportunistic toads, I enjoyed the movie primarily because it was so funny. A bit of tongue-in-cheek Bristish approach, but extremely effective. For one, a good part of the movie is filmed from the perspective of the over-sized toad. Literally. You're looking at people's feet, car tires, homes from the eye level and location of the toad. The music choices were also very supportive, as well as the players in the film, who are so varied and straight in their presentations that you can't help but be drawn into their lives. Flashes of the shower scene from Psycho come to mind as a tenor singing about cane toads draws hopping toads to his safe (?) haven. I was so intrigued I checked out the director, Mark Lewis, who also has a film on the natural history of chickens. Gotta' get it!
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