Transporter 2 (2005)
Pure Cheese
14 September 2005
This has to be the cheesiest movie I've seen in ages. So cheesy it should have starred Jason Stilton and Amber Velveeta. Its loopy enough to make one of Sylvester Stallone's wretched 80's action films, say "Cobra" look like a masterpiece. I'm willing to suspend disbelief to a large extent on a movie like this, especially for the action sequences (its astounding that Audi still looks brand new and unscratched at the end), but this movie couldn't even get the basics right. For instance, was the kid in this adopted? He's supposed to be the child of Amber Valletta and Matthew Modine (who's slipped a long way, by the way)? Did they check out his ethnicity before hiring him, or think nobody would notice that he seems to be Latino? What the...? I went along with this for a while, in the spirit intended, but by the end this seemed funnier than most of the lame-brained comedies Hollywood has foisted on us this year. At least I laughed way more. In that sense, it is entertaining and there's cheesy action galore, but don't expect logic, coherence or good film-making.
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