Politics of Film - it really is more than just entertainment
12 September 2005
Politics of Film

This is like Sankofa a Diaspora telling of The Great Black Experience, independent conscious but unlike Sankofa which came out of US in the new world, this came out of London.

Interesting is that while Sankofa was a true independent success being seen in many independent cinema's and brought to colleges from grassroots black support, this film is hard, I mean real hard to see in Britain. Most folks I speak to you Brixton, London haven't heard of it let alone seen it and the independent cinema the Ritzy has blanked it.

Showing 500 Years Later back to back to with Sankofa would be an interesting starting point for the Politics of Film. Both progressive and conscious narratives from the Hunted not the Hunters view and both with distribution problems from the get go.

Note: There is an interesting interview with the makers from the Socialist Worker paper, this is a pretty far left marginal group, who like most radical socialist/Marxist organizations tend to seek out and support all things black and working class. Check it: http://www.socialistworker.co.uk/article.php4?article_id=7188

  • email me please if you know of any similar films but not in English, especially if Arabic (maybe Egyptian).
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