Lovecraft can now rest easy!
5 September 2005
Until I saw this 55 minute lump of cinematic sewage,I thought the title for worst movie ever was a toss-up between Reanimator,Santa Claus Conquers the Martians,and Pink Flamingoes. Compared to BoYF,tho,these are Oscar nominees. Coleman Francis(whoever he was)has made Edward D.Wood,Jr,Phil Tucker,and the Gordon Brothers look like Orson Welles redux.There is not the smallest iota of anything good about this piece of claptrap,unless you count the fact that it was Tor Johnson's last film. The inane voice-over narration(in lieu of dialog)sounds like someone who failed Hooked On Phonics reading haiku off the back of a cereal box. The "actors" do little more than stand around,and the camera work looks like someone's home movies of their summer vacation. The women are some of the trashiest looking bimbos this side of the WWE,and the final scene of the dying Beast kissing a rabbit that wanders into the shot is bizarre beyond belief. I hope the rabbit got paid for his effort,because his cameo was the best acting in the movie!
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