Spielberg and Cruise -- mixed bag, this one...
5 September 2005
I completely agree with what one reviewer stated -- that Spielberg is THE master of the big budget Hollywood SFX movie, and certainly outclasses the lesser competition offered by comparative amateurs Bay and Emmerich. Spieberg's SFX, while impressive and unrivaled, still play a close second to character definition and development. You care about his characters and their progress through the film. Yeah okay, I thought Tom Cruise's character was an *ssh*le too, but you came to a reluctant understanding and respect for his love for his kids.

I certainly didn't feel any of this character empathy from "Day After Tomorrow" or "The Island." I was almost happy NYC froze over in DAT, if only to shut up those whiny New York nomads and put an end to all their belly-aching. Lady Liberty destroyed? Give me a break -- why not add a final shout of "Damn you! Damn you all the hell!" Sure, the plot suffered somewhat and I too groaned at the abrupt and convenient ending typical of many Hollywood films, but you have to admit some of the scenes in the film were the most intense and exciting you watched in a long time.
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