The reviews have misrepresented this movie a bit
3 September 2005
It does not simply have "some" crude humor, most of the movie is gross and tasteless. It's only saving grace was Steve Carell himself, and Kathrine Keener, both of whom managed to maintain their dignity (more or less) in an otherwise juvenile movie seemingly targeted at 13-year-old boys. (Well, I'll modify that somewhat -- Kat Dennings turned in an honest and touching performance as Keener's daughter, without appealing to any of the usual stereotypes of teenage girls.)

It's sad in a way. While it's understandable that a movie with this theme would include some crudity, it's obvious that far too much is simply gratuitous. From the good parts it's clear that writer/director Judd Apatow could have constructed a better movie -- he just chose not to.
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