The differences in opinion are understood, but not to the degree to rate this movie higher than a 5.
10 August 2005
I honestly thought that this movie was awful. The only thing that may have swayed my opinion in the least was Daisy. I Think that is why the ratings of people in the younger age group rated it higher than the older groups.

This in my opinion was not a movie that I would want my kids to see. I would not be hurt if they did see it, but it is not by any means a "family" movie. Their was no reason for this movie to be made other than to stuff the budget and the pocketbooks of the film industry. It appears to be a low budget movie, with actors that are known to have lame parts, or have not been in better movies.

For the people who enjoyed the stupidity of the jacka@@ movie might enjoy the mentality of this movie. I have to say that you could tell that Johnny Knoxville appeared to do his own stunts though.

Anyone wanting to see this movie because they loved or even liked the television series will hate this movie. It is not at all like the series. This movie portrays Bo and Luke as a couple of idiots that have no clue what is really going on in life. Bo is a "womanizer" and Luke is infatuated with his car. I enjoyed seeing Willie Nelson as Uncle Jessie, but as you know Willie is not renowned for his acting.

I wanted my money back after seeing this movie, and would even have been upset to have spent the money to rent it. I think anyone would only be pleased about getting it when they can find it as a bargain rental for 1 dollar.
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