Web of Deception (1994 TV Movie)
Great role for Mr. Boothe
9 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I must mention that the back of the DVD box (the one I bought, at least), in giving a summary of the movie, gives an incorrect surname for Mr. Boothe's character and some inaccurate information about the crux of the plot!

As for the movie itself, this is a wonderful role for Powers Boothe since he's in nearly every scene and really gets to "strut his stuff". Prior to seeing this, I'd seen him in only a handful of films, such as "Southern Comfort", and always as part of an ensemble cast. In "Web of Deception" he gets to show us a whole range of emotions as a generally likable but sometimes annoying ladies' man whose life is slowly falling apart. His interactions, both happy and sad, with his on-screen daughters are especially touching. Even my boyfriend was moved to tears by one of those father-daughter scenes.

**SPOILER** Not having been trained in the mental health field, I find it hard to believe that a young, attractive, successful career woman could be so obsessed with someone that she would calmly snuff out her own candle, so to speak, but she does seem convincingly disturbed and unbalanced in her scenes with our good doctor.

If you like obsession movies like "Fatal Attraction", you'll probably like this, too. If you're a fan of Powers Boothe, you must not miss this one! (The only reason I didn't give it a "10" has nothing to do with the plot or the acting, just some of the editing, which seemed a bit haphazard in one or two places.)
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