Evolution's Child (1999 TV Movie)
The idea is brilliant, but it was made dull with the limited funds, imaginations and acting that make movies for the small screen what they are.
4 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This (could have been) a wonderful film if it had been handled properly (like so many films, aye?) In fact, it would make a fantastic series, if they hadn't used the pat, "let's wrap it up quick sans imagination" ending that filmmakers usually use when they're out of their depth with their material. A woman is "mistakenly" impregnated with the sperm of a 3,000 year old corpse they found perfectly frozen in the mountains (opps! The cylinders got mixed up ... yeah, right), and the doctor is the only one who knows what the resulting child really is... and he watches in fascination as the baby grows to childhood and starts to exhibit all the signs of his father (whom, apparently, had been, not only a healer, but also the possessor of unusual "gifts," such as a healing touch and the ability to read the weather and talk to animals telepathically.) The little boy who plays "Adam" (sure, let's beat it to death with a stick, shall we?), Jacob Smith, is perfect for the role ... everybody else pretty much phones it in and are, therefore, largely forgettable. But for the boy and the (unfortunately prematurely terminated) possibilities of what we might have learned and recovered and rediscovered about our own latent healing abilities are as unsatisfyingly snuffed as is the kid. Quelle damage! I'd say watch it for Jacob, and let your imagine soar. That's about all you can hope for with this film.
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