Naked Angels (1969)
Buy The Poster, Forget The Movie
31 July 2005
Video stores and companies were charging $150.00 to copy a copy of Naked Angels. They are crazy! I saw this movie when it first came out at the Thunderbird Drive-In in Fort Lauderdale. The movie stunk. I mean there were a few very minor good points: the beautiful and sexy Jennifer Gans(blond, tan and built!), Las Vegas in it's hip-days, and that's about it.

The acting stinks. Mike Green as a leading man is revolting. The guy can't act, he looks like he didn't change his clothes for a month, and he keeps flopping off his motorcycle. Where did they get some of these actors; most look like desert hermits or Vegas homeless.

The one-sheet poster for this film is outstanding. Cheesy looking with neat 60s artwork of a horde of outlaw bikers and a beautiful girl. The poster sells for, you guessed it, $150.00! So, buy the cool poster and forget seeing this turkey.
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