Innocents Betrayed (2003 Video)
The World's Least Known Horrors
24 July 2005
Innocents Betrayed shows what happens when ordinary people allow themselves to become powerless and give all of their trust to central authorities. Here's a fact that very few people know: the central authorities (usually known as the governments) killed more men, women and children in the 20th Century than did all of the wars combined. That's correct: 170,000,000 people were murdered by their own governments; in most cases, the victims had no power to defend themselves.

Most people have heard of the Nazi Holocaust -- but few know much about the massive genocides of Soviet Russia, China, Cambodia, Uganda and Guatemala. Only because of the recent film, Hotel Rwanda, do more people know about the calculated mass murder there -- Innocents Betrayed came out 2 years before Hotel Rwanda! The second half of the film shifts focus from the world's genocides to the American experience with citizen powerlessness. Viewers may be quite surprised ... I won't give it away.

Innocents Betrayed includes a lot of still photo and video materials, and enough facts and figures to prove its point. This is not a stodgy "educational video" by any means -- the stories move steadily with appropriate voice-over and music, so that viewers can follow them. As the end approaches, however, the pacing picks up quite dramatically.

I've seen the film several times: I am always stunned and amazed at the end. And very motivated to prevent such atrocities from happening again. See it -- lend it to others -- talk about it. Be part of the generation that says "never again" and means it.
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