I would not recommend this movie even to a die-hard Barbara Hershey fan.
24 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard about this movie, and wanted to see it. None of the local video rental stores had it. I looked on ebay, and sure enough, it was listed with a minimum bid of $3.50. I bid and got it. After watching it, $3.50 was a bit too much to pay. The only redeeming part of it was the last few minutes, man, Barbara Hershey still looks hot at 51! A movie has to pass two tests to get a good rating with me: (1.) A good, interesting plot, no fast forwarding to get past the boring parts. Has to keep my interest all the way through. (2.) A good ending, easy to understand, so I'm glad I watched it. Drowning on Dry Land failed both tests.

Probably at least 20 percent of the movie was scenes that could easily be fast-forwarded through without missing a thing. Long scenes of driving along the highway, or someone simply walking along a road. The scene with the flat tire could be completely excised, no one would miss it.

The ending? How did it end? I couldn't figure it out. I watched the last couple of minutes three times, still can't figure it out. Barbara Hershey walks out of the motel early one morning, Naveen Andrews is sitting watching the sunrise. Not a word is said, she sits beside him and they stare at the horizon. The picture fades, the credits start rolling up. What? What happened? I guess this movie was written so the viewer could make up his own ending.

The movie is now in my trash can. No use to take up space in my inventory of videos.
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