crazy acid trip
19 July 2005
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is not a remake, nor is it a new concept. It goes by the book and is highly effective. The beginning is very dreary but in a good way, and the children in the movie play their parts to a T. Charlie getting his ticket was a little dull, but the second the factory gates open, the madness arrives. If you have seen Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, you will know how far Depp can take a drug role. Johnny Depp adds so much to the role of Willy Wonka, almost taking another role: Michael Jackson. With weird comments like "come try my grass" and "don't touch the squirrel's nuts", this movie gets more stars just for making me laugh. I do not think this is a children's movie though. Most of the jokes will fly right over their heads, and the whole sub-plot of Wonka's parent-problem will confuse most adolescents. Byee ~EtHaN
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