At Last A Releasse
15 July 2005
If you buy this film. Say something. Review it. Let anyone know what you think. Me I think Finely crafted piece of Low Budget Trash. This is the kind of film that you can watch more than once. I know I still snigger at some of the jokes on repeated viewing. It may be that it is like a piece of music which grows on you. The jokes are in jokes which get better if you think about them. In the end there is not enough fighting and to much time spent tied to chairs but out of all the low budget Brit flicks I have seen this one has the advantage of not taking itself very seriously. It would be nice to see this team head off to some form of Ealing chaos they would be able too pull t off with aplomb. Better Acting than you would expect, Stoy so thin if you look at it side on you can't see it. God Dialogue and a cracking feel. Some thing different for Friday night in. Enjoy and comment.
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