It tastes like burning!
16 July 2005
The horror...the horror.

I have looked into Conrad's Heart of Darkness...and Mark Hammill was there.

Wearing heavy pancake makeup and eyeshadow.

Now, please don't get me wrong: I'm a Star Wars fan. I'm also a bad movie aficionado, and I enjoy 70's chintz. I have gleefully sat through some of the worst movies in history multiple times.

I truly do not think that I can sit through this again. It's not the's the alternating bouts of schlock and sheer, mind-numbing tedium.

The opening which we watch Chewbacca's family shamble about aimlessly making unintelligible Wookie noises...lasts for seventeen and a half hours. The clock may say fifteen minutes; the clock lies.

The search of the Wookies two stormtroopers, one extremely swishy Imperial Navy officer, and a guy dressed like Dark Helmet ten years prior to "Spaceballs," might have been good for a chuckle, had it lasted for a minute or two.

It doesn't. It goes on...and on...and on...and, at some point, you discover that you're weeping uncontrollably and can't stop.

In the name of all that's holy: turn back before it's too late.
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