Taz in Escape from Mars (1994 Video Game)
Cute game with no lasting appeal at all
13 July 2005
For a game made in 1994 this Sega Genesis platformer does have some clunky controls and a real lack of innovation. Yes, the graphics are brilliant but the sound effects are rotten and the music is worse. The gameplay has a few neat tricks but nothing amazing. And the lack of steady control when Taz goes into a whirlwind (imagine Sonic when he's spinning) will really get on your nerves after a short while.

The game has Taz kidnapped by Marvin the Martian and taken to a Space Zoo. Taz, being the irritable sort breaks out and rampages across the planet. Before making it back to Tazmania he visits the MoleWorld, Planet X, Mexico (where he encounters Yosemite Sam) a haunted castle and finally Marvin's house. Anyone familiar with Looney Tunes cartoons will no doubt get the zillions of references.

So the title is a bit of a lie then. Especially since you GO BACK to Mars after reaching Earth. Once you finish this there is no need to ever play it again.

Graphics A Sound D Gameplay C+ Lasting Appeal C-
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