Smart Philip (2003)
Great Czech Parody - for Czechs mainly
4 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The reason why I didn't title this movie as a Great Parody, but rather a Great Czech Parody is because it's going to be incredibly hard for any non-Czech speaker or even a person that hasn't lived in the Czech republic for a few years, therefore doesn't have the insight into its realities and the Czech sense of humour to grasp all the subtle and even the over-the-top jokes that usually loose all its impact through translation. That is of course very unfortunate because this movie is all about jokes and obviously wasn't made for foreign audiences. It's all black humour - some of it quite smart, most of it intentionally silly and over-the-top jokes, that make its Czech audiences screaming with laughter.

I read a complaint here about the Czech actor painted dark brown with white lips and a lil' afro going on... basically acting a role of an African American in the movie. OK, it wasn't the smartest move from side of the director etc., however it does fit into the general funny and over-the-top silliness of this parody/comedy. Again, I wouldn't expect many people to get it... it even took me a bit to overcome the PC bloc in my head. All I have to say about this is: Guys, relax, it's a comedy!

So, to conclude this 'review'... it's effin' nuts and it's doing a helluva job of it!! :) To all the Czechs/Polish/Slovaks and Czech-speakers of the world: you gotta see this. To the rest of the globe: you can try it out, but... well, you can judge for yourself, you might love it, who knows.
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