Two Brothers (2004)
A Thinking Family's "Family" Movie
4 July 2005
I normally don't bother with "family" movies. I have found them trite at best and encouragers of social conformity at worst. Not this one! True, some of the tiger behaviors depicted aren't accurate. The picture of 1920's colonial life in Vietnam is largely sanitized. But if we suspend disbelief, Two Brothers is the classic animal story: two tiger littermates are separated by humans and of course, reunited as adults with lots of complications and cute animal scenes along the way. But the script is quite literate for this type of story. The photography is lovely and the animal scenes, while staged of course, do not appear to be. It's also refreshing to see very little obvious CGI in this movie! Guy Pearce elevates the script as an author-big game hunter-antiquities thief who learns to appreciate both nature and cultural diversity. The story is not overly violent or upsetting for children while not being too dumbed-down for parents. And there's a gentle plug at the end for tiger preservation.

As nature movies go it's not The Bear (same director) or Walkabout, but it is what it is. I'd recommend Two Brothers for families with children of almost any age. 8 out of 10 for this purpose and get the DVD, your kids will want to see this many times.
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