It is not a great movie by all means
2 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is obvious not the masterpiece of Mr. Spielberg. It suffers from several factor which lead the movie nowhere. The original book the move might have based on have more contents than what was expressed in the movie.

First part of movie, people are running scared. However, the fact that people under pressure will do should be more overwhelming that it showed on screen. The sense of tension is not felt through the movie most of the time. Only near the end when the little girl was lost can we sense a little bit fast paced.

As always, Tom didn't deliver any good performance by all means.

The movie also suffers from several logic flaws. We can't feel anything brought from Internet application and/or modern communication benefits. Though the original book was about 19th century, we should see that.

The aliens (from Mars?) did very inefficient job of killing. Not knowing exactly why they chose to keep people one by one ... for 6 Billion times? The ending is like in ID4: all aliens suffer from our human's flaw. Hey, maybe we should have fed them with some serious illness? Like ... HIV or TB or something? Or maybe it is because of that?
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