29 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
War Of The Worlds is the second movie since the 50s version with Gene Barry, who makes a cameo appearance in this movie. This installment of the H.G. Wells classic is so realistic that you will experience the terror and dread of an alien invasion very unique to this genre but not unlike the dread caused by Orson Well's broadcast that caused a mass panic in this country. This Movie faithfully follows H.G. Well's book down to the general shape of the alien machines while paying homage to many key scenes from the original Movie, it is faithful to the book down to the ending, which will be understandable to those who have either seen the first movie or read the book but may be anticlimactic to those who haven't. The departure that this movie makes is that instead of concentrating on the central character(s)who narrates the book and original movie, this installment gets into the life of a family caught up in the terror. With amazing acting by all, especially Justin Chatwin and Dakota Fanning, who play Tom Cruise's children; this is a must see of the H.G. Wells classic! (Little kids should not see this movie, it'll probably give them nightmares, seriously. I saw one little boy jumping out of his seat numerous times out of shear fright.)
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