Review of Monster

Monster (2003)
unpleasant topic, but great writing, music, and acting.
27 June 2005
If you are lucky enough to watch this on DVD don't miss the extras. The making of the music by BT in discussion with the writer/director Patty Jenkins shows you why this movie is so successful.Everyone is working to the vision of a subtly told horrid story of the victimization of helpless people. This process must have taken place with the two principle actors Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci as well, because they are brilliant! I am definite going to look up their early work. But Ms.Theron's performance is more than good direction and great make up - she has picked up the defiance mixed with hope that Aileen Wuornos was polarized with.

There are very few movies I have seen that are more well written and acted.
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