Chrono Crusade (2003–2004)
23 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Now here is an Anime worth seeing, (If you haven't already) honestly it's hard for me to comprehend how you can be bored with it? True there are some slow moving moments, but that gives you a chance to catch your breath and not become overwhelmed.

Loved it. Like most Anime, it's goofy, fun, exciting, and has those wonderful moments of drama in it. Chrono certainly doesn't skip out on the Animation. Wonderfully done. I guess my only pet peeve, Animation sequences, in this and All Anime, is they never get wet in the rain. Lack of continuity there. And there are quite a few obvious continuity errors you can spot, as well as some very sad mistakes (Like being unable to spell Brooklyn) But besides a few pet peeves I liked it. Now this does go into a bit of fanservice as it's a GONOZO production and no one does fan service better than GONZO, but hey, it's all good. It's a nice change that fanserivce doesn't dominate the plot.

The music, one of the first time I've heard a full Symphonic Orchestra, but they could turn the score up a little. Yhe opening theme, was good, and quite catchy. And the Closing theme, by Yuki Kajiura (well known for .hack) and Seko Chiba was spectacular, even without reading the translation you can feel the emotion behind the music, and that is what all music should accomplish.

Action wise this tended be quite unique. A strange and unusual blend of gunslinging with some old fashioned exorcism moves. While the violence certainly did get a little gruesome, it only makes sense in a horror film obviously intend for older audiences. Which brings me to my next point, writing.

Now I did not read the manga by Daisuke Moriyama so I can't and won't compare, but the plot is a human one, more human than what I was first anticipating when I started this series. But the adaption from what I can tell is quite smartly written. ADV went the extra mile to include the slang of the period, and there's plenty of funny moments. And this really shows the 20's in America well. As few Anime take place out side of Japan, this is well done. It also capture religion well. Most shows just make fun of it, or have to make a great parody, but this proved to be different. While certainly incorporating heavy fantasy themes in this, the writers very much incorporated basic teachings, (namely the confrontation with Aion) Again this really is smartly written, the writers really did their homework.

Chrono: "Are you all right Azmaria?" Azmaria: "Yeah, I'm jake." (Lol) Heck I once got into a 20's speech mania! (Part of that was to be blamed on "The Great Gatsby") I think Chrono Crusade is one of those that prove you can have a smartly written plot and have it be entertaining (No need to dumb it up) Regarding connections to the game Chrono Trigger, It might just be me, but I believe I can see one small connection through simple allegory. The concept of time and time winding down till the end.

At first is the slowness, of developing Rosette, bothered me. In my opinion, I think the Main Character should be heavily developed in the first Episode, but as the story went on, it made sense why. This is a plot Anime, but even in Plot Anime, they still develop the characters just as much. But I really started to enjoy this when we got to Episode 7. That one was SCARY! It's amazing, because the series starts out light and comical, but right as we get to episode 7, everything went incredibly dark. Brilliant 360 spin to pull on the audience without any warning. Aion is an excellent Villain, Oscar, Worthy, when it comes to his acting by Andy McAvin. And I love Azmaria. She's so adorable, and Jessica Boone really plays her well, esspe. the occasional accent. And Hilary Hagg, I think is terrific with Rosette. Some may say she's annoying, but I don't think so. I've heard far worse. And Greg Ayres, I say is a great actor. He does so well as Chrono. Another beat, this show is great with supporting characters. You can tell Father Remmington really, cares for Rosette.

And again, I love the drama. How Rosette strives to help her brother even at the heavy cost to her life.

It's wonderful, and that Episode where we see them as young children, was great. And sad. It's sad, because it's what I call "A Doomed Fate" Genre. When you know what will happen, and you anticipate it with tears in your eyes. You see Joshua so full of ambition, and life, even though he's always ill, he want's to make Rosette happy, and that means splitting them up. She's so protective of him.

Great show this is, "Nuns with Guns, how can you go wrong?" Okay technically they are not nuns. Love it.
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