Malabimba (1979)
Total sleaze!
23 June 2005
Seemingly as a result of séance that goes wrong(or was this an attempt at exorcism)Daniela is possessed by the evil spirit of Countness Lucrezia and becomes sex crazed and her mother Nais,also becomes sex crazed as Daniela watches.Daniela grabs men's crotches,flashes her pussy during a party,gives her grandfather a blow job and thereby kills him,seduces Sister Sofia who then commits suicide by leaping off the battlements."Malabimba" is a crazy Italian porno/horror that has to be seen to be believed.Apparently producer Gabriele Crisanti didn't thought the film was sleazy enough so he edited together an alternative version which included about five minutes of hard core sex footage.Some of the horror scenes-such as the séance at the beginning-are wonderfully over the top and stupid.So if you liked Andrea Bianchi's sleazy giallo "Strip Nude for Your Killer" or his extremely entertaining zombie film "Burial Ground" give this sleaze classic a look.9 out of 10.
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