The feel good movie of the year
22 June 2005
The Killer Eye, this movie... wow. I'm almost speechless and yet, watch me ramble. The killer eye is sorta like if i was directing an episode of the real world, what i would make it. Seven strangers and a really misunderstood eye from the ninth dimension...blah blah. Point is, one of the room mates in this awesome apartment is a mad scientist. He decided to use this male prostitute in his experiment. He makes eye drops, Hold on. Everything i'm about to say after this point i swear to god is the truth. I didn't just get stabbed by the purple knife of insanity. OK, that said... this doctor has eye drops that open portals to the eighth dimension. i'm pretty sure its the eighth dimension, well some dimension with way to many dimensions for its own good. The kid dies, they toss his body, his eye gets possessed/replaced/whatever by an entity from said dimension and escapes from the dead kid's skull. all pretty normal so far. The eye grows up and gets big and awesome like any bad prop monster should. Now, whoever wrote the title for this movie had no idea what he movie was about. The monster just wanted to touch girls and have sex. The "naughty eye" would have been more accurate or maybe "eye on spring break". whatever. The jerk humans decide thiseye doesn't deserve to make out their hot chicks so they decide to be jerk clowns and kill it. The eye, who simply fights for his right to party, attacks back. Some meat heads die and the eye gets sent back toits own dimension. By the way, its own dimension looks exactly like the back of a dollar bill except with eye swarms. Pyramid and everything. This movie proves that no matter how much a disembodied Eyeball/ambassador from another dimension acts like us we will still try and kill it because of our fear of sloppy seconds and things that float around minding their own business.
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