Ankle Biters (2002 Video)
Midget vampires, now you've read that you don't need to see it.
19 June 2005
The film is quite simply a life changing experience for until you have seen this film you can never, ever, ever truly say that you have seen a bad film. This film is an absolute must see otherwise you can never appreciate what the people on these message boards and i have witnessed.

The plot (for what its worth it does kind of have one) is just plain stupid, midget vampires trying to bring back tall vampires. And the script is so bad there are porn writers in Hollywood using it as toilet paper. And as for the camera work, direction and production i only need to tell you two things that actually happened in the film to give you some idea of how much effort and thought they put into this.

A scene with one of the midget vampires takes place in broad daylight, the film is set in Atlanta (it looks more like Texas to be honest with you) so needless to say thats its pretty damn sunny. And in order to create the illusion of one of the midget vampires jumping on a table they simply made him jump of it and played it backwards. They must have been pretty pleased with how this panned out because they used the exact same a matter of fact i believe it was even the exact same shot 3 times! For the amount of effort this thing must have taken i would say it doesn't even deserve to be rewarded with a spot on the worst 100 films of all time, but, i do believe that it is without doubt the worst film ever made. So with that in mind who are we to deprive this film of its place in history? Come on people get watching and voting, there can't be anything worse than this out there.
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