Article 99 (1992)
good without being exploitative
16 June 2005
It's amazing how this movie came and went, and it hasn't gotten the praise it richly deserves. Ray Liotta turns in one of his best performances, somewhat aping his own performance of Henry Hill in Goodfellas, yet outshines his work in Field of Dreams. A subject that could have easily been exploited is actually treated perfectly. Lea Thompson is believable as a doctor, and Keifer Sutherland started out quite arrogant, and somewhat naive, but turns out to be the most likable of the group. Towards the end, the viewer almost wants to rally around him as much as Liotta's Dr. Sturgis character. The movie is haunting, cause in reality, the way some veterans are treated when they need medical treatment is much different. More VA hospitals have been closed in the past two years then in the past ten, and funding for VA's is continuously chopped in half. A great movie, great cast, and excellent performances in bit roles by Randy Quiad as Shooter, and the late Noble Willingham.
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