Review of O

O (2001)
13 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
i know it's hard to make Shakespeare easy to understand for teenagers, but must you turn it into Ebonics? maybe it's because i performed in the play "Othello" that i am completely disgusted with this version. unlike the actual "Othello", this entire thing did not start over whether Iago got a promotion or not. no, it had to do with O asking michael (cassio) to share the VIP award from basketball with him! yes, a crazed killing spree was all started because of a VIP award in basketball! you have got to be kidding me. the script in this movie was absolutely terrible. many of the worst lines were given to josh hartnett, like saying he knew more about "white chicks" or telling O that he's "being played, dawg". there is a reason why Shakespeare's plays are famous. they have wonderful plots and the language that he used was amazing. reducing his language to "yo" and "dawg" ruins it! keeping the basic plot does not make it good! any black person who saw this movie was probably very offended. they basically tell the audience that the only reason why O is in this rich school is because of basketball. they successfully fulfilled the stereotype that black people are only good at basketball. also, throughout the movie they played this intense rap music, but when O dies (the one black guy) they switched the music to opera! did they just think to themselves "oh, now that the black guy's dead we can play white music now" absolutely ridiculous!
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