Review of Oil Storm

Oil Storm (2005 TV Movie)
This movie is not a Bush Bashing, its interesting fiction.
6 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The reviewer of this movie who became so disgusted by its content is obviously a Bush loyalist of the highest order. In actuality, the movie made no attempt to portray the President in a negative light. The movie depicted the President as proactive by appointing an oil czar who ultimately saved the day by negotiating with the Russians for a much needed supply of oil. For that effort Mr. Bush could be seen as helping resolve the grim situation that the movie depicted. He was not directly blamed for any of the events that led to the shortage. However, the movie fictionally depicted a seriously wounded economy and as a result farm subsidies were cut off resulting in a huge outcry by farmers all across America. The farmer's ire was generally directed at Washington and not directly to the President himself.

The movie is a work of fiction and while no hurricanes damaged our oil supply in 2004, in this movie one hell of a hurricane did just that. And that set the stage for the rest of the movie. The reviewer's argument that since none of the 2004 hurricanes did any damage to our oil supply, then another one in 2005 surely would not, is a specious and flawed statement at best. Who knows what might happen under the right conditions? Especially to the lowlands of Louisiana. Far be it from me to say it could not happen. Never say never.

The movie was actually quite reserved in its depiction of events that led to a major oil shortage. It was intriguing and thought provoking and it lead me realize we really didn't learn anything from the oil shortage in the 70's. There was no blatant Bush bashing in this movie. His name was mentioned only a few times anyway. But that is the thing with the Bush administration and his blindly loyal followers. They cannot abide the slightest perceived criticism and cry foul at anyone who disagrees with them. The idea of criticizing the President to them is an act of treason! How dare anyone speak ill of Mr. Bush, they cry! Well, let me remind you dear reviewer that as long as the Bill of Rights still exists, the rest of us are free to say whatever we want. The sad thing is, a negative image of Mr. Bush in this movie was all in your head, not on the screen. (And I am not even going to comment on your remarks about environmentalism. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel.) To the rest of you who have not seen this FX presentation, I think you'd enjoy it and take it as the piece of fiction that it is. It will make you think about many things, including how your life would be affected by an oil shortage of the magnitude presented in the movie.
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