Review of Our Fathers

Our Fathers (2005 TV Movie)
Dramatization of the recent sex abuse scandal and cover-up by the Boston Archdiocese.
29 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Disturbing but well acted dramatization of this tragic true story. Christopher Plummer was extraordinary. He managed to make the character of Cardinal Law, on some level, "sympathetic" if that is possible or, at best, clueless. At the end, however, the only sympathy I felt was for those victims who to this day carry the scars.

Although the acting was great, did anyone else notice the "in your face" borrowing from a scene from "All the President's Men" when the editors and reporters from the Boston Globe were debating whether to run the story about the "coverup" of the sex abuse by the church hierarchy. I swear the script was verbatim from a similar scene in "All the President's Men" when the issue was whether to run Woodward and Bernstein's Watergate story. Did the writers of "Our Fathers" ask William Goldman, the screenplay writer for "All...." for permission to borrow so liberally from his script. I guess copying is the sincerest form of flattery.
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