a Mystery with no mystery.
29 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS THROUGHOUT: The main problem with this movie wasn't the cast. It's a pleasure to see Nancy Mckeon who is quite likable here in the main role of a woman framed for the murder of her boss. And the rest of the cast does well to with what they've got. But the problem to me, was the story itself.

The movie shows us who the killer is so there is no mystery to unravel. The rest of the movie is spent as Mckeon tries to prove her innocence(it seems things happen just to make her look guilty.) The person who did it, another female and a colleague of the murder victim, seems to appear for one purpose and that's framing Nancy's character and murdering more people. But since the audience knows who the real killer is, knows she will eventually be caught(hey-this is a movie) and also knows stuff will continue to happen to make Nancy's character look guilty there really aren't a lot of-well actually any-surprises. It's pretty dull and I'd have preferred a genuine who done it. The cast, as mentioned is fine, but this is a mystery with very little mystery and as such, while not being awful, isn't terribly interesting and falls a bit flat.
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