What a disappointment!
29 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Like every single Star Wars fan in the universe, I had high expectations for the third chapter in the saga. This was the episode that would bring the whole story together. Well, they did achieve that but the had to rush it all in in the final half hour of the film. But I feel that Lucas faltered with the second film and it affected this one greatly. Before I touch upon on the negatives, I will talk about the positives first. Great action. Seriously, an awesome thrill ride. A true Star Wars film completely with cutting back in forth to different characters and battles. SPOILER ALERT!! Negatives, well first of all. The screenplay is a big problem. Some of the dialogue is just sad, all characters except for Palpatine and Yoda speak in simple English. Another negative, is the special effects. Although very great, there is way to much and it doesn't connect with the next three films. Next is the Wookies, we did not need to see them. It was irrelevant. Good excuse for action sequences, that is the only reason they were there. On top of that, Chewbacca. Definitely shouldn't of seen him, especially interacting with Yoda like they know each other. But there is just Lucas trying to please everyone by putting in our favorite characters. Lastly, the most important part of all of the prequels is Anakin's turn to the darkside. I feel they screwed up here. Let me explain myself. The darkside is all about fear, hate, and anger. Anakin turned to the darkside all because of hope. It was the hope that Padme could survive childbirth. I think that that is wrong. He should have turned to the darkside because of the death of his mother. She was the reason that he left to become a Jedi and she could very well have been the reason he turned to the Sith. He had so much hate and anger that this could have made him go all out and mad and Palpatine could have convinced him that turning to the darkside could bring her back. I believe they could have done this towards the end of the second movie and also had the birth of the twins so that time progression through the prequels to the original tri.logy wouldn't feel so rushed. They could have expanded upon the separation of Luke and Leia in the third film instead of worrying about all the action. Overall, this film shows the future of film-making as a digital medium and has a lot of action that will keep any viewer excited but overall a disappointment for any true Star Wars fan.
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