Nippon over-the-top pop comedy
27 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, you must know I'm not a big fan of comedies. Dull stuff like American Pie, Road Trip, etc. simply gives me the yawns. After I had the luck to get my hands on SS5+ and watched it, my turn-away from US comedies was complete; it might be that the Japanese sense of humor suits me more. Watching a hypnotized family dad acting like a bird is much more funny to me than seeing someone banging an apple-pie....

The flick follows 4 different stories which are sewn together in perfect timing: 1. A husband tries to get rid of his wife - unsuccessfully. 2. A family father is able to follow his animal instincts. 3. A woman working in the commercial business tries to sell her ideas, which are shown as real commercials - some of the most funny parts. 4. A trio of sexually-not-clearly-oriented burglars is getting in trouble.

From my point of view Vinnie Jones, playing a hit-man (what else ?), is the main character because he connects the different story-lines and he is very interested in people's purpose in life.... see it and you know what I mean.

The Director's (Gen Sekiguchi) origins are obvious. He made highly successful commercials before, SS5+ is his debut film. So the movie is colorful, fast-paced, but not cut too hysterically, extremely funny but sometimes with a sad under-tone.

Watching it gave me a really good time. Highly recommended !
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