Not particularly good kung-fu horror film.
20 May 2005
I really didn't care for this movie so I didn't really pay much attention to the plot, I think it goes something like this: After two lovers are killed two supernatural "experts" are hired to escort the bodies to their place of burial. Complicating matters is the villain's search for a hidden letter that he suspects is in or on one of the bodies. The dead rise, vampires attack and a great many bad jokes are told. Its told in period style and it allows for some supernatural martial arts antics.

Its not an awful film, but its not a good one. Its the type of movie that would have been better badly dubbed into English since you wouldn't have to work to read the subtitles. The direction is workman like though a bit too loose. Things could have been sped up just a bit. The production is also very set bound with cameras kept very tight on things so as not to real too much, or too little (ie. the very small cast). Its like a Chinese version of a the ultra cheap Hollywood productions from the 1950's or 1940's which had limited resources and and felt like it. Its a low budget programmer thats just not good enough to really be worth bothering with since you've seen it all before done better and with just a bit more skill.

Rent Mr Vampire or the Chinese Ghost Story movies instead
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