Review of Salome

Salome (1973)
Not for Baker Completest only!
20 May 2005
I have to disagree that SALOME and THE FORBIDDEN are for Clive Barker fans/completest only. I'm not an CB fan. I haven't even seen HELLRAISER - although I have the original soundtrack by COIL. I am a fan of art films done on a shoestring. These two films would certainly fit into that category. Barker does a good job of creating another world while filming in the basement of a flower shop. The use of only one lighting source is also no doubt an inspiration to film students and aspiring filmmakers. In fact, a film student gave me a copy of this. I would have never discovered it otherwise. I do have a problem with how this was packaged by it's distributer. The strip orgy wraparound stuff is totally unnecessary. These early Barker shorts should be shown at art houses, art museums and shown to film students. 10 out of 10 for the films, not the distribution company.
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