Why You Can't Trust The Internet
20 May 2005
A couple months ago, a number of talkbackers on AICN were making lists of the top 10 twists in films ever. And for some reason, "Grace and the Storm" was listed on several of them. My only guess as to why is because it was the filmmakers, cast, those involved, and their friends and family making those comments.

Here is an incredibly derivative, poorly paced, badly edited, low budget, DV feature with not one good piece of dialogue. Not one well composed shot. Not one even halfway decent performance.

Had Jay Mohr actually played the lead role, it might've been somewhat better, but as he did not, we're left with amateur hour all the way.

As for the twist, it's on level with something I expect on cable. No I didn't see it coming, but it was hardly what I'd call earth shattering or worthy of even the top 1000 twists of all time.

The film is mediocrity epitomized.
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