A Good Star Wars Addition, Falls Short Of A Great Movie
19 May 2005
Sometime between Clones and Sith, I've gained a critical eye. To me, Sith was a minor let-down. It simply did not have the artistic elements I look for in movies now. As with the other prequels, holes can be shot in this story, and many of the characters' actions are not believable. The story had GREAT potential, and REALLY utilized most parts of this, however only after the viewer had read between the lines and patched up most of the holes themselves. (A long-time Star Wars fan will have no problem justifying almost any part of the movie, but typical movie fans will have some problems.) Furthermore, the scenes were over-exaggerated, a trend which has struck Hollywood recently much to my disliking. I go to the movies to watch movies, not to simulate rollercoasters as we whip the camera around a battlefield.

However, who in their right mind goes to Star Wars to look purely at the cinematography!? Star Wars is still arguably the most fun series to hit Hollywood. Despite the major differences in technology and style between the original trilogy and the prequels, Sith does a REMARKABLE job connecting the two. In fact, as a film-making enthusiast, I CANNOT IMAGINE they could have made a better transition. It's just unfortunate George Lucas decided to make Episodes I and II SO different from the original trilogy.

All in all, good story (if you're willing to do some work and justify its weak points), GREAT POTENTIAL (will stimulate your imagination, even if only to supplement Sith's shortcomings), and altogether an almost perfect transition between new and old. Still, it falls short of being a GREAT film.

I will also add, young, curious, eager minds will gladly devour Sith, for accompanying Sith's potential is the ability to read between the lines and develop your own conjectures and answers--a feeling I've not felt since...Empire!

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