Demon City Shinjuku (1988 Video)
could we add a little more suck to this movie please? thank you.
15 May 2005
$20.... I spent $20 on this movie. I had never seen this movie before I bought it. There was no where to rent it in town. I saw a commerical on TV for the best of Japanese anime. I like stories about demons, I like anime. Wow this movie should rock! But it doesn't! I hate this movie! It's funny, that's all it is. The characters swear on an almost constant basis, that's the humor of this movie. The main characters barley evolve. The ending sucks. The ending really sucks. I would've been happier with a guy dancing around in a dinosaur outfit than the ending they put in this piece of crap. There is almost no violence. Almost none. I consider something violent when there's blood and lots of it. This should've been put on Nick Jr as a joke. Even the preschoolers could've created something more interesting than this. So why don't I give it one point? Well that's easy, and there's two reasons for that: 1 point for the swearing. 1 point for the wooden sword. Unless you're in the mood for something to complain about don't watch this anticipating anything. The characters are dull with the exception of the colorful language, the action is tolerable but still not very good, and the ending is the most disgraceful thing since boy bands. Heed my warning: Avoid.
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