Camp Blood (2000 Video)
For Bad Cinema lovers only
14 May 2005
I'm giving this a '8' rating because Camp Blood is hilarious, in an unintentional way of course. This film might suck for the 'serious' mainstream horror crowd, but if you're a fan of so-bad-so-'entertaining' movies Camp Blood surely delivers on most accounts. It starts off pretty good (in a bad way) as you get you're typical slasher clichéd set up served with an outdoors sex scene (including looped footage) followed by a cheesy double murder. After that we are introduced to the main players of this epic, and the film actually gears down a few notches ... However, it's still pretty amusing because one of the actors has a habit of spitting out bad language by the minute, plus you get Thatcher! Thatcher is a riot but I won't say more ... see and believe! The film picks up in the final 20-30 minutes with an onslaught of goofy (not intended of course) over-the-top slasher-action that made me laugh so hard I was still hurting the next day.

Camp Blood may not be as classy as Troll 2 or A Night To Dismember but still worthy tracking down if you're into that kind of stuff.
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