Mega64 (2004– )
If you haven't seen this, your life is not complete.
9 May 2005
I can't believe this hasn't been done before!

The concept is a mad scientist develops a console called the Mega 64. It is able to tap into people minds and act out the games. He hires Rocco Botte and Dereck Acosta to test the MEga 64.

The Presentation of the series is amazing. The DVD Art is well suited, and the Menus are classical (literally). Considering they don't have that much of a budget, you'd be surprised by the quality of what they've pulled off, and the way they've been able to develop the characters.

The music is a great mix of ORIGINAL compositions by Ian Lucky, who has amazing talent and has really helped the feel of the show. And also classic tracks from The Aquabats. Both of these mix together in a fluid musical sensation that you will not forget. (The soundtrack is available on the site

I suggest if you like video games, BUY this! And if you don't like video games but want to get ideas for low budget film making, AGAIN get this!

Dereck, Rocco, Shawn, Marcus will be stars of tomorrow!
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