Great documentary... well worth seeing
9 May 2005
Well what can I say, this film has brought a worldwide perspective on issues effecting many people living in a multicultural society today. The music and imagery were great, you can tell that a lot of time and effort has been put into making this film work.

I went into the cinema expecting to see a movie that was about the slave trade and what had happened 500 years ago, what I didn't expect was to be educated... I thought I knew all I needed to know about what had happened all those years ago but this film re-taught with boldness how it not only effected history but how it still effects this generation, whether Black or White this is a must see.

The film was interesting, thought provoking and intelligent. It also gave a message of hope and a way of reaching that light at the end of the tunnel and a way of tackling the problems that so many face from past generational hurts. I hope this can be shown in school and universities all around the country. Well recommended..!
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