The Forgotten (2004)
Dreadful conclusion, but still entertaining
6 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
*May Contain A Slight Spoiler*

Julianne Moore is obviously a very talented actress. She manages to play roles with pure conviction, realism and reality. This is pushed to the limit in mediocre thriller 'The Forgotten' in which she plays Telly, a woman on the edge after she is told her nine year old son who died 14 months prior in a plane crash never existed.

It is a very interesting opening; she seems to be realising he never existed all too soon, and in one scene particularly, where she views a blank tape, it seems like the sort of shocking ending you'd see in a film like The Sixth Sense.

Anyhow, she is convinced he did exist. So she seeks the help of an alcoholic neighbourer (Dominic West) who soon realises after much disputing he does have a girl. For some reason, the federal agents are involved. The daring twosome had better make a quick run for it...

For around three quarters of the film, this is flawed but very entertaining. There are even some decent shocks (particularly in a very sudden car crash). But after that, it is just flawed. The ending is poorly contrived, surprisingly original but still very cheap and disappointing. 'The Forgotten' is one film you will be forgetting, save one truly shocking scene.

5 out of 10
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