Gladiator and Troy look a whole lot better now
4 May 2005
A film about the crusades makes perfect sense right now, but this movie is just wastes the opportunity. There are loads of underdeveloped interesting ideas in this script, but instead time is spent on an incredibly out-of-his-league Orlando Bloom. The man is not a lead actor. Supporting actor, fine, but he cannot carry a movie. His character is in-explicitly gifted at fighting and strategy (he was a blacksmith - he shouldn't even have been able to read!) and has waaaaaay too much help. His character isn't nearly active enough. He's a dull protagonist.

Add to that cartoonish villains, a dull love interest, over-edited and poorly shot fight scenes, an even worse shot love scene, and the early departure of the film's only two good performances to make this one yawn-inducing flick. I never thought I'd miss Gladiator and Troy so much. At least they were kinda fun.
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