Marvin rules.
2 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Douglas Adams 5 book trilogy contains so much subtle humor, outrageous behavior and deep probing wisdom making part of it into a film was a huge project. I have been waiting for several years to see if Hollywood could do a better job than the British did on the TV series.

My husband and I are Hitchhiker junkies. We have the Books, the radio series on tape and the books on tape read by Douglas. I play the computer game on line when I can remember where it is. We enjoyed the film, the Vogon's are amazing thanks to Henson's creatures and the factory in Magrathea is enchanting.

While my mental picture of Marvin was of a falling apart erector set type robot I loved the Marvin in the film anyway. The way he drooped when things go wrong (all the time) and how he zapped the vogons near the end. While it doesn't come close to reading the book the film is charming and worth seeing. I know I'll buy it on DVD. If you don't understand the film, READ THE BOOKS.
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