"Madchen's Uniform" a must see!
11 April 2005
"Madchen's Uniform", a short film about a burger server turned librarian, is a highly entertaining piece laced with the subtle humor of director Greg Carlson.

Madchen, a restaurant employee, is let go from her position at Burger King after franchise trouble forces the outlet to close. Taking a job at the local library, Madchen struggles to find the happiness that her previous position provided.

The premise of "Madchen's Uniform" is simple, yet surprisingly original and refreshing. In a world of indie shorts laden with Tarantino knockoffs, Carlson opts for the high road, utilizing offbeat stories that draw as much from Guy Maddin as they do from The Brother's Grimm. "Madchen" plays like an Aesop fable, showcasing a moral decorated with outlandish characters and twentieth century pop culture.

A few technical difficulties are noticeable during "Madchen", but none of them detract from the work. Sporting an inspired cast of actors, the fantastic visual effects work of Brady Daley, and Carlson's own rampant imagination, "Madchen's Uniform" is a definite must see.
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