Living Life (2004)
Living Life, a sensitive film about a serious subject
10 April 2005
My applauds to a young and very talented director. "Living Life" will touch your heart and bring tears to your eyes but also leave you with a warm feeling at the end. It's brilliant cinematography, moving score and well designed locations only add to the story and help create the right mood. In dealing with such a serious subject as cancer it's possible to create a feeling of depression and hopelessness but such is not the case here. As we follow seventeen year-old Jason through his dealing with this disease we feel his pain and confusion and relate to the decisions he makes, both good and bad in relating to his family and friends. We see how he uses the short time he feels he has left to make a difference in the lives of those around him. Like any work of art there is always room to improve on it, but Mr. Harris had done an outstanding job in the handling of this subject and has created a very sensitive and heartwarming film which will leave you wanting to make a difference in the world with your own life.

I had the privilege of seeing the first version of this film at Ballard High School last year and now the final version at the Metro this week. The film has been re-edited, shortened (to 88 minutes), and completely re-scored and is a very enjoyable experience. Keep an eye out for the name, "Jesse Harris". He will be up there with the great directors of our time in the not too distant future.
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